Upcoming Workshops

Join our Whatsapp Announcement Group. This is a channel for us to inform you of upcoming workshops and events. This is a receive-only group so you can be kept in the loop without all the unnecessary chit-chat.

Click on the link to join


5 April 2025 Saturday 9am-12pm
Lightroom (The Studio)
$90 per person for members
Led by Kelvin J. Lim

Clicking the shutter is just the beginning. What you do to that image after, is what defines your style and how you see the world.

In this workshop you will learn how to manage your digital assets professionally and efficiently, as well as the secrets to bring your photos to the next level by making them Pop!

You will need a copy of Adobe Lightroom installed your laptop computer or mobile tablet for this workshop.

Skills objective
1) IMPORT & EXPORT settings
2) Filter & Sort your images
3) Understand the Exposure, Contrast and Colours sliders.
4) White balance settings
5) Learn how to use presets

Venue: The Studio
111 North Bridge Rd
#05-49, Peninsula Plaza
Singapore 179098





12 Oct 2024 Saturday 6-9pm
Event Photography (Illumi @ MBS)
$110 per person for members
Admission Ticket Included
Led by Bernard

In this workshop you will learn how to, first OBSERVE your subjects followed by ANALYSE your environment then ANTICIPATE reactions in order to capture the MOMENT. In Illumi you will also experience how to balance your exposure in tricky lighting situations in the event area using flash.

Skills objective
1) Exposure Techniques
2) Understanding human behaviors
3) Settings to use for tricky lighting conditions
4) Autofocus settings


19 Oct 2024 Saturday 9am-12pm
Wildlife Photography (Sungei Buloh)
$80 per person for members
Led by Wayne

In this workshop, you will be taught how to listen and find wildlife in their natural habitat. After which you will then be able to identify the possible angles to best capture the wildlife in the given circumstance. We learn to respect their boundaries in order not to disturb them and keep ourselves safe from any possible harm. We will also discuss the best camera settings, in terms of focusing & tracking methods and camera shooting modes for each situation.

Skills objective
1) Tracking / Panning
2) Understanding animal behaviors
3) Settings to use for animals
4) Autofocus settings


26 Oct 2024 Saturday 5pm-8pm
Street Photography – Night (Little India)
$80 per person for members
Led by Bernard Teo

We will try to understand and learn about the basics of street photography

1.⁠ ⁠look for light – how to use light to isolate your subject to make them the main focus of your image
2.⁠ ⁠⁠look for a suitable background – a coherent background will help viewers to focus on your subject better
3.⁠ ⁠⁠wait for subject – patience will pay when you wait for your ideal subject to appear into the frame where you want them to be

Skills objective
1) Exposure Techniques
2) Understanding human behaviors
3) How to find interesting light and shadows
4) Autofocus settings


2 November 2024 Saturday 9am-12pm
Macro Photography (Thomson)
$80 per person for members
Led by Wayne Chng

The aim of the workshop is to help you understand the working limitations of macro and specifically on how to achieve black background macro photos in 1 shot with the help of flash. 

Skills objective
1) Understanding light exposure differences
2) Settings to used for black background images
3) Manual focusing technique

You will need to have your camera, preferably a macro lens or an extension tube so that you can use your regular lens to get better magnification and a flash. If you are short of any of these equipment please let me know so that I can source for the proper equipment for you to have an enjoyable time shooting


3 Nov 2024 Sunday 9am-12pm
Wildlife Photography (Bird Paradise)
$80 per person for members
Admission ticket NOT included
Led by Wayne Chng

Experience birding in a controlled environment while having a place to practice and harness your skills as a photographer. We look to help enhance your abilities in tracking fast-moving objects, capturing motion with small subjects.

If you have a passion for wildlife or birds and would love to enhance your skills and techniques!

Skills objective
1) Tracking/ Panning
2) Understanding bird behaviors
3) Settings to used for specific birds
4) Autofocus settings


9 November 2024 Saturday 9am-12pm
Portrait Photography (Studio)
$150 per person for members
Led by Bernard Teo

You will learn 3 basic types of lighting techniques to create a standard clean portrait. Practice these 3 techniques with a model to achieve, a casual portrait, an executive portrait and a mood (creative) portrait. 

Skills objective
1) Understanding how the 4 characteristics of light work in a controlled environment
2) Familiarise with camera settings for studio work
3) Experience the effects of working with different focal lengths

*workshop fees includes hiring model and venue rental



16 November 2024 Saturday 9am-12pm
Architecture Photography (Esplanade)
$80 per person for members
Led by Bernard Teo

During this lesson you will learn how to look for interesting designs, line, shapes and light on buildings. You will experience what it is like to look for unique lighting conditions to make a great architectural photo. We will be walking the streets of Singapore’s CBD so come prepared with a comfortable pair or walking shoes. 

Skills objective
1) Understanding how the 4 characteristics of natural light
2) Familiarise with camera settings to capture sharp images
3) Experience the effects of working with different focal lengths


17 November 2024 Sunday 9am-12pm
Snapseed (The Studio)
$90 per person for members
Led by Kelvin J. Lim

Clicking the shutter is just the beginning. What you do to that image after, is what defines your style and how you see the world.

In this workshop you will learn how to manage your digital assets professionally and efficiently, as well as the secrets to bring your photos to the next level by making them Pop! 

You will need a mobile device preferably a tablet and download Snapseed for this work shop.

Goggle Play link here

Apple Store link here

Skills objective

1) IMPORT & EXPORT settings
2) Filter & Sort your images
3) Understand the Exposure, Contrast and Colours sliders.
4) White balance settings
5) Learn how to use presets

Venue: The Studio
111 North Bridge Rd
#05-49, Peninsula Plaza
Singapore 179098


5 Oct 2024 Saturday 9am-12pm
Wildlife Photography (Bird Paradise)
$80 per person for members
Admission ticket NOT included
Led by Wayne

Experience birding in a controlled environment while having a place to practice and harness your skills as a photographer. We look to help enhance your abilities in tracking fast-moving subjects and capturing motion of small subjects. If you are passionate about wildlife or birds and would love to improve your skills and techniques!

Skills objective
1) Tracking/ Panning
2) Understanding bird behaviors
3) Settings to use for specific birds
4) Autofocus settings

17 August 2024 Saturday 9am – 12pm
Wildlife Photography Workshop
$80 per person for members
$120 per person for non-members
Led by Bernard & Wayne

In this workshop, you will be taught how to listen and find wildlife in their natural habitat. After which you will then be able to identify the possible angles to best capture the wildlife in the given circumstance. We learn to respect their boundaries in order not to disturb them and keep ourselves safe from any possible harm. We will also discuss the best camera settings, in terms of focusing & tracking methods and camera shooting modes for each situation.

21 July 2024 Saturday 630pm – 830pm
Fireworks Photography Workshop
$80 per person for members
$120 per person for non-members
Led by Bernard & Wayne

In this workshop, you will be taught how to set your camera right to capture fireworks, how to anticipate the fireworks, and when to trigger your shutter to capture fireworks. We will only be covering the basic technique for fireworks photography.